Select a book type

  • Index Derivative Title

    An updated index of titles derived from the original, containing additional information on registration parishes and the names of owners.

  • Index Title

    The original record of all the titles used under the 1862 Act. Provides information on the volume and page number for a given title.

  • Instrument Book

    The final section of the register which contains various types of deeds and documents that are referred to in other parts of the register.

  • Register

    Various register entries which were not categorised into the relevant parts of the register.

  • Register of Estates

    The first part of the register, where entries contain details about a property and it's registration such as where it was located and if it was sold.

  • Register of Mortgages

    The section of the register which contains records for if a property was ever mortgaged or leased to tenants.

  • Register of Title

    The second part of the register, containing information about the owner of a property and any relevant changes to the owner, such as a change in marital status.