5 results
- Number of records: 5
- Owners name: Weston Cracroft Amcotts
- Counties/ Parishes: Church of Upton, Lincoln, Upton, Lincoln
- Number of records: 5
- Owners name: Weston Cracroft Amcotts
- Counties/ Parishes: Church of Heapham, Lincoln and 1 other
- Number of records: 7
- Owners name: Weston Cracroft Amcotts
- Counties/ Parishes: Church of Kettlethorpe, Lincoln and 1 other
- Number of records: 47
- Owners name: Weston Cracroft Amcotts
- Counties/ Parishes: Kettlehorpe Newton Torksey and Marton, Lincoln
- Number of records: 28
- Owners name: Weston Cracroft Amcotts
- Counties/ Parishes: Authorpe otherwise Althorpe, Lincoln